HB 3189
PFAS Protection Act
The bill requires the DEP to identify and address PFAS sources impacting public water systems; requires facilities that have recently used PFAS chemicals to report their use to DEP, requires permits to be updated to require monitoring of PFAS chemicals for facilities that report their use; and requires DEP to propose rules to adopt water quality criteria for certain PFAS chemicals after they are finalized by the USEPA.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst, John Hardy, Wayne Clark
ISSUES: Pure Water
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/31/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary; passed out to Judiciary 2/10/23 with amendment; Judiciary substitute bill passed out to House 2/21/23; passed House 2/24/23; referred to Senate Government Organization 2/25/23; amended 3/8/23; passed Senate 3/9/23; House concurs in Senate amendment 3/10/23; approved by Governor 3/11/23