HB 4098
Geothermal Energy Development
This bill creates a structure for the development of geothermal energy in West Virginia by identifying geothermal energy as a “different resource” than other mineral resources and declaring that that no mineral estate will include geothermal energy unless specifically contained in the deed. The jurisdiction over geothermal energy is placed with the DEP to develop a permitting program for geothermal drilling and exploration and rules governing the use of spent geothermal fluid.
ISSUES: Climate, Land & Wildlife, Pure Water
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/17/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then to Judiciary; referred to House Judiciary 1/27/22; passed out of Judiciary to the full House 2/7/22; introduced in Senate 2/11/22, referred to Energy Industry and Mining Committee, then Judiciary 2/11/22